Consolidating two competing trade associations into one stands right up there with negotiating a Middle East peace and American political debate: Parties often focus too much on what separates them than on what successful solution could grow from constructive collaboration.
It is this protectionist, defensive attitude that makes consolidation of two independently healthy associations almost impossible. Often they must wait until one or the other are financially broke which turns a consolidation of proud equals into a merger with one eating the other.
Whether they realize it or not, negotiators and voters in either association have four perspectives to consider in their decisions: Is this good for (1) our industry, (2) the members of our current organization, (3) our current organization, or (4) me personally? It's my opinion that these considerations are in the correct order. Ultimately if the results of any decision are not good for their industry, the supporting organization will fail as a trade association and may survive only as a club.
The role of association CEO is diverse and whether you're a volunteer or a paid staff executive director this blog is the starting line for concepts and ideas to solve your leadership challenges.
The Role of Association CEO
Whether your association budget is large with many staff or your budget is small with few or no full-time staff, the responsibilities of the CEO are common and many. The difference is the CEO of the small association is responsible beyond the level of leadership but also involved directly with implementation down to the administrative task. Consider these major responsibilities: Membership Development, Membership Benefits, Membership Administration, Governance, Volunteer Development, Meeting/Event Management, Government Affairs, Market Development, Education, Operations, Communications and Cheerleader.
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