The Role of Association CEO

Whether your association budget is large with many staff or your budget is small with few or no full-time staff, the responsibilities of the CEO are common and many. The difference is the CEO of the small association is responsible beyond the level of leadership but also involved directly with implementation down to the administrative task. Consider these major responsibilities: Membership Development, Membership Benefits, Membership Administration, Governance, Volunteer Development, Meeting/Event Management, Government Affairs, Market Development, Education, Operations, Communications and Cheerleader.

Need C6 Support? Ask me for a quote on many projects like: Newsletter design, newsletter strategy, newsletter production, strategic planning, budgeting, evaluation of endorsed programs, governance structuring, bylaws, education programming, member database selection/conversion/optimization/training, discussion facilitation and more.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Members Get Members. Staff? Not So Much.

My Volunteer Board President and his fellow Directors recruited more members in a month than I did in seven years on the road.

I have always been jealous of those trade associations with a powerful membership hook, like a killer price on an insurance program or a government mandated certification that members must have for employment. In 20 years of responsibility for membership I never enjoyed the luxury of such a hook. I wasn't alone. Most trade associations have no big hook. Instead most trade associations, at best, have a collection of very little hooks - an education program, trade show, group discount, legislative program, directory and professional network. So when the constituency is not falling at our feet to join us, how is it we little-hook associations recruit new members?

First, it does not hurt to have several little hooks made of gold; a good reputation helps, as well. But these alone don't get you much. Some associations employ sales people or send their executive director on the road to canvas the prospects and convert the masses to association-believers. While these overt attempts at recruiting are honorable, they enjoy little success for those of us with little hooks.

Certainly, if your association is relevant to your population and one of your little hooks connects, some prospects will actually mail you a dues check virtually unsolicited. I refer to these members as the ones who just fell in through the roof. They joined because we bumped into each other at the right time and they liked what they saw.

Real membership recruitment, however, occurs when the members themselves get excited about THEIR association and become CHAMPIONS of it. Staff takes on a sales support role when a member Champion is out verbally representing their organization in every conversation they have with suppliers, customers and peers.

When a staff person presents the membership sales pitch to a prospect the decision to join becomes just one of many nice-to-have, non-urgent issues in the prospect's big pile of decisions waiting for mind-share and money. When a volunteer Champion presents the membership sales pitch to a prospect it becomes personal and the decision to join is more simple.

From a collection of academic sales principle allow me to suggest the 4-steps in the buyer's mental process: Awareness, Acceptance, Preference and Action. If the association has communicated to the constituency effectively through the news and their programs, prospects should already be "aware" you exist and even "accept" that what you do is valuable to them. When a member Champion makes their membership sales plea (challenge or command) to a prospect, it essentially blows through the "preference" decision stage where they compare what you do with other available options. A Champion can cut right to the "action" of joining today by securing a personal commitment from the prospect to join your Champion in their cause.

For seven years I mailed newsletters, promotional fliers and membership applications to thousands of prospects throughout Maryland. At best, I created awareness of our association and acceptance of our value. It was not until I connected with my message of passion for membership did my President turn into a "Champion". His passion then flowed easily to other Directors and the association now has many Champions.

What a thrill it is now for all of us: members, staff, Officers, Directors and friends to feel the energy and see real membership growth; the growth we deserved all along.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Newsletter Distribution

How tight should you control your association's newsletter distribution? Do you restrict distribution to one key person at a single member? Some associations contend that if the company wants more of their people to receive it, they must upgrade their membership.

While I appreciate the $1 to $2 cost issue to print and mail each newsletter is an important consideration, the greater consideration is: Who can derive value from your newsletter content? The most valuable newsletters I have seen from aftermarket state associations regularly contain news that should accrue beyond the primary contact.

If your content promotes your own education, golf outing, conference and more you will want all key employees to receive your newsletter. Most primary contacts will not pass along your newsletter. At best, the content is filtered and metered to employees to serve the company's interest, not the associations'. Furthermore, imagine how it may make that store manager or salesman feel to receive their own newsletter addressed to them personally.

Beyond the self-serving promotional nature of your newsletter, if it really does contain valuable news, consider the value you create in the minds of employees who may one day move to another employer who does not hold membership in your organization. And what of the young employee who grows up appreciating the value of your organization.

I suggest you don't skimp on distribution. Get all you can get from your thoughtful dues strategy but then make sure as many of your member's key employees as possible receive your newsletter.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why do we attend a conference?

Why? To learn, to make contacts and to contribute to the greater good.

While we trade association leaders are always telling members the value of attending a conference, the same value exists for us organization leaders. On that measure I feel I have just completed two of the most valuable two weeks ever spent. A week ago I attended the spring Board meeting of the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers where I learned new education innovations from CARQUEST, met the future of the aftermarket in Hamilton Sloan and enjoined 3 new industry projects with the granting of thousands of dollars from AASP. Last week I attended the Alliance of State Automotive Aftermarket Association Executives held in conjunction with the incredible Spring Leadership Conference for the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association. There I shared insight and expertise with 400 of the most knowledgeable industry leaders; cultivated personal connections with the top executives in aftermarket manufacturing, distribution, service, education and communications; and witnessed pioneering efforts in industry image, business development, technology, education and association management.

What I learned, the amazing people I got to know and the initiatives I am now a part of will make me and my industry better for many many years to come.