The Role of Association CEO

Whether your association budget is large with many staff or your budget is small with few or no full-time staff, the responsibilities of the CEO are common and many. The difference is the CEO of the small association is responsible beyond the level of leadership but also involved directly with implementation down to the administrative task. Consider these major responsibilities: Membership Development, Membership Benefits, Membership Administration, Governance, Volunteer Development, Meeting/Event Management, Government Affairs, Market Development, Education, Operations, Communications and Cheerleader.

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Marketing Materials

Don't ever do an ad without tieing it to a campaign. And don't expect a prospect to join if you have not first run them through the first 3 of 4 steps in the buying decision: aware, accept, prefer, buy.

A similar progression of steps is necessary for effectiveness in your advertising materials. Depending on what stage of the buying decision you are addressing, your marketing effort steps through attention, interest and desire before you can be effective in producing action (the sale).

Think about it: You don't know what you don't know. If you were not aware of a product or service in the first place you would not even know to consider buying it. So a potential customer must first be made AWARE of you.

Once aware, that customer will likely view you as one competitor in a list of options for your product or service. Until they ACCEPT you as a valid competitor you cannot get their ATTENTION for what you sell.

Against all their options for your product/service it is your job to convince them you are better. When they PREFER yours against all others you may INTEREST them in you.

Finally, when they know and appreciate you for what you offer, your approach can be more direct. Turn up the heat and invoke their DESIRE to BUY.

Seldom will one membership sales piece bring in a member. An AWARENESS flyer or webpage gives necessary information about you. This may attract an occassional member when the prospect came looking for you but don't count on it to produce numbers. At the other end of advertising, a special-offer will fly high over the head of the unaware and unaccepting. Take your time and help your prospects come to their decision to join.

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